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Pipelines HTML Documentation Build

The pipelines documentation is a collection of HTML files. There are two flavours:

  1. Static HTML files for local browsing (html-docs)
  2. The project homepage on Github-Pages (gh-pages)

It is build with Mkdocs [MKDOCS] and the Material for Mkdocs theme [MKDOCS-MATERIAL].

Generating HTML-Docs for local browsing

The HTML-Docs for local browsing are created by a custom pipeline:

$ bin/pipelines --pipeline custom/html-docs

After running this pipeline the documentation is ready to browse at build/html-docs/index.html.

HTML Documentation Overview

The HTML documentation is generated from Markdown (.md) files.

Different to a vanilla Mkdocs project, in pipelines the documentation files are within the project repository from its root and not in a sub-folder named docs. This is different to the default Mkdocs layout in so far, that the default expects a docs folder containing the markdown files.

In pipelines, this docs folder is created when building the HTML documentation from a small symlink-farm of the Markdown documents from the project root.

At the same time some additional content is generated from other project files.

All this is wired in a Makefile and for the standard HTML docs build available as a custom pipeline.

Getting Started with the HTML-Docs Build

The html documentation is build with make by the Makefile in the lib/build/mkdocs directory:

$ cd lib/build/mkdocs  # mkdocs based build directory
$ make                 # build standard html-docs
There are two standard goals:

  1. html-docs - HTML documentation that can be opened in a browser from the file-system. It includes a javascript based search and keeps online resources (e.g. remote images, fonts or scripts) out of it. (default goal)
  2. gh-pages - the online version as on Github-Pages, the pipelines project homepage. This includes online resources like badges in the and Github API requests.

For these artifacts the makefile goals:

$ make html-docs


$ make gh-pages

Results are placed into the build/html-docs and build/gh-pages directories accordingly.

Development Build

Most of the documentation markdown files can be edited and the documentation is build on-the-fly while served from a running test-server:

$ make serve

Here again it can be chosen as from the two variants as additional targets:

$ make serve-gh # gh-pages goal


$ make serve-html # html-docs goal

Build and Make Requirements

To develop the html documentation use the Makefile in the lib/build/mkdocs directory for more fine grained control of the build incl. installing the build tools and control other prerequisites.

The build requires:

  • Python3 (as python3 by default, see python build parameter)
  • PIP
  • PHP (with the JSON extension at least)
  • Composer
  • Git
  • GNU Make
  • Bash
  • A file-system that supports relative symbolic links

Mkdocs, plugins and themes will be installed if missing.

Specifics of the Mkdocs based Build

Even both Mkdocs and the Material for Mkdocs theme are pretty well standardized, developing is a moving target much so often. Here some of the details that appear noteworthy about creating the documentation in the pipelines project:

Theme Modifications

Mkdocs offers a modular way to modify the theme. And Material for Mkdocs is used as the theme. Still some little modifications are done.

This is most of all controlled in the standard mkdocs.yml Mkdocs configuration file pointing to resources in the file-system inside the mkdocs library build (lib/build/mkdocs) folder:

  • SVG logo and favicon (in docs/assets)
  • CSS Tweaks (in docs/assets/extra.css):
    • Vertical scrolling of code-blocks that exceed a certain height.
    • Touch-up of the CSS for snappier table appearances.
    • Tweak on the footer icons to make Material for Mkdocs stand out.

Using Ghp-Import to publish to Github-Pages

The ghp-import [GHP-IMPORT] command can be used to publish a static site to Github-Pages. By default Mkdocs has publishing to Github-Pages build-in making use of the ghp-import library just with its own utility command.

For a more tailored publishing, ghp-import is installed as a utility on its own so that the gh-pages target can contain the appropriate tree layout which is not root but the docs folder as the publishing source and it allows to prominently present a of its own when browsing the publishing branch on Github.

This can be easily handled by using the ghp-import utility standalone.

The publishing script is script/

Making the Mkdocs Build Deterministic

A few modifications were necessary to make the Mkdocs build and the publishing to Github-Pages more deterministic:

  • Gzip file timestamp in sitemap.xml.gz (gzip, mkdocs build)
  • <lastmod> timestamps in sitemap.xml (mkdocs build/theme)
  • Timestamps in publishing commit (git)
  • File content (pipelines)

Timestamp in sitemap.xml.gz

The gzip version of the sitemap.xml file contains the time-stamp of the sitemap.xml file which is generated when the docs are build.

Recompressing the file without the name in post processing levitates this (gzip -n or gzip --no-name).

This gzip(1) build post-processing is not necessary any longer since Mkdocs Version 1.1.1 (2020-05-12). Mkdocs sitemap.xml.gz file timestamp has support at build time for the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment parameter in fa5aa4a2 / #2100 via 7f30f7b8 / #1010 and 3e10e014 / #939.

Superfluous <lastmod> elements in sitemap.xml

On build time, each sitemap entry gets a <lastmod> element entry with the current date (YYYY-MM-DD).

Removing those <lastmod> elements (done in overriding the sitemap.xml template) prevents running into this problem.

In general the <lastmod> element is not mandatory, and in concrete it has very little meaning, as it contains build time, so all last modification dates are the same and are therefore redundant.

As an alternative to drop the <lastmod> element, it should be possible as well to make use of Mkdocs update_date / [build_date_utc] and/or the mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin (not tested).

Timestamp Github Publishing Commit

The Makefile build sets the publishing commit timestamp to the date in git of the revision the docs are build from.

This ensures that for each documentation revision (content) the timestamp is the same. It also establishes the property that documentation build from the same content (and same python dependencies) results in the same commit hash.

Reproducible Pipelines Files

When building from a revision/checkout normally all documentation files from the project are of that revision and therefore the build can be deterministic.

In pipelines, when the project is checked-out and installed, some files are generated. When any of such files is taken into the documentation build, then these files need to generate always the same by their underlying revision.

In the project one such special case is a test package for the docker client binary.

This test-package (lib/package/docker-42.42.1-binsh-test-stub.yml) references an artifact (.tar.gz file) with a SHA-256 hash. With each installation, the hash of the package file changed and therefore the test-package .yml file.

Exemplary fix was to make the tar package anonymous and set the timestamp to begin of the UNIX epoch (--owner=0 --group=0 --mtime='UTC 1970-01-01' in gnu tar).

Additionally gzip must be commanded to do not save the original file -name and -timestamp (gzip -n or gzip --no-name).

Migrating URLs on Github-Pages

When the initial prototype of the html-docs landed on Github-Pages and since that day made its way into remote references, it was much later realized that the wrong Mkdocs URL path layout was in use (directory_urls: true) while it should have been directory_urls: false. This layout saves some of the files and directories to be created. And results in a better representation of the documents.

Therefore a migration was due from the old to the new layout. It could be successfully established. Over a period of ca. a month all search engine entries were using the correct URL.

Migrating with Rel Canonical

Technically this has been done by ensuring the old (wrong) files contain a <link href="..." rel="canonical> with the reference to the new (correct) file [Canonical Link Element].

Additionally all old (wrong) links within all old (wrong) files are re-written to their new (correct) links.

All such fixed files are then merged into the correct build.

So in detail, the gh-pages build are two builds. First the correct one (the current one). Second, the wrong one (the old). The later is done into a directory of it's own. Then the resulting files are processed, loaded into memory and when a fixer applies are fixed, re-compressed and written out into the output directory of the first build resulting in a partial merge with all old URIs (so not having any 404s) with appropriate pointers to their correct URIs via the canonical link.

Migrating with Redirects

Albeit migrating with redirects could have been an option as well, but the Mkdocs redirects plugin does not offer any of the required functionality. It is not aware of the different directory_urls path layouts for the redirect it offers.

Working with canonical link relations was considered the alternative then and as it started quickly with simple search and replace operations it was preferred over redirects.

It has been proven as the right decision as the search engine results (SERPS) show. Assumable the redirections would have led to a similar result.

The script to modify the links in all old index.html files uses a HTML parser and modifier, which is better than the first search and replace approach.

It could be extended with another command-line option to add meta- redirects for these files, too.

This could be done next to be finally able to remove the old and wrong HTML pages completely without or only very little negative effect.

Mkdocs-Material Fonts

The webfonts are disabled, if the Roboto and Roboto Mono fonts are available locally, they will be used.

This is done via theme: fonts: false in mkdocs-material and by font-local.css that is @import in extra.css.
